Welcome to...
Grand Avenue United Methodist Church

505 W Grand Avenue Port Washington WI 53074
Pastor Vince Pepin
Join us for Worship Service
Every Sunday at 10:00 am
followed by Coffee Hour Fellowship
Communion - First Sunday of each month (OPEN TO ALL!)
Our History
History of Grand Avenue Church
What is now the Grand Avenue United Methodist church began in 1852 as an assemblage of Christians living in what was then the frontier country of Southeastern Wisconsin. Early meetings were held in homes and ministerial support was provided by circuit riders who would visit Port Washington as frequently as possible, but often only a few times each year.
A church was erected on the corner of Jackson and Milwaukee Streets in 1862. The congregation incorporated August 18, 1865. In 1900-1904 a new parsonage and church building were completed at our current location on Grand Avenue. Later the parsonage was torn down and adjacent property was purchased in 1988 to create our current parking lot.

The church was first known as Ozaukee Mission, then the Evangelische Gemeinschaft. During the Second World War, when it was unpatriotic to be associated with anything German, a new sign was made and placed over the old one reading Grand Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Church. The first English services were held in the church in 1912.
In 1922 the Evangelical Association united with the United Evangelical Church, becoming the Evangelical United Brethren. The Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church joined and became The United Methodist Church in 1968. Our congregation thus became the Grand Avenue United Methodist Church.

Cornerstone Laying Ceremony August 1966